February 29, 2016  •  1 Comment

It was one year ago that I recall planning for Quinn’s newborn session. With any family, I like to find out what they want and don’t want to include in their baby’s first photoshoot. It was then that Quinn’s very special mama touched my life. She informed me that just a year prior, they had lost their precious 2-year-old Blair to an E. Coli infection. She also said that she would like to incorporate Blair's newborn picture, along with their 5-year-old daughter, Paige's newborn picture. At that point, I was just amazed that she had chosen me for this task. The day arrived when I got to meet baby Quinn and her mom, Megan. Being moved by their loss and feeling the deepest sympathy for days, I have to admit I was pretty nervous and didn’t quite know what to expect. As Megan approached, she had a big warm smile on her face, excited for the day with her newest baby. This put me at ease instantly and I realized what a special gift little Quinn was to this special family ... like a rainbow after the storm.


She came back to me 6 months later with baby rolls upon baby rolls of pure joy. 



I just recently got to see this sweet baby again for Quinn’s 1-year milestone session. 


I am reminded each time what a true pleasure it is to spend time with Megan and Quinn. To see someone who had the unfathomable happen to them come away with an appreciation for life and a contagious smile on her face is extraordinary. I have learned a lot from Megan, a true inspiration. The whole "live each moment" thing never quite meant so much.


Stop dwelling on the bad. Life is too short. Focus on and appreciate all the good instead. It is all around us. 




Aunt Tersa(non-registered)
What a beautiful story of an extraordinary family. Both your writing and your photos do them justice, and that's a feat!
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